Thursday, July 16, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

Yay my first blog award!!!

My stb friend from Maine and fellow blogger stbeventer gave me the honest scrap award.
The rules for this award are that I must tell you 10 things you don't about me and then pass it on to ten other bloggers.

Ok so here is my ten things:

1. My father is one of eleven children so I have a very large, very crazy Italian family, but I love every one of them and believe there is no better family to have.

2. I was born in Brooklyn, NY and that is where I was introduced to horses and I know most people would never think someone would get their start in horses in a city like Brooklyn.

3. I love seriously I am OBSESSED. I can often be found with a camera in hand clicking away especially around the farm and hope to make it part of my profession.

4. I am also obsessed with my pony. I know, I know every equestrian says that, but believe my horse friends will even tell you I may be more obsessed then most. Haha :) She is my life, my pride and joy, and my best friend.

5. My favorite thing in life is going for a good gallop. There is absolutely nothing like it in the world. The rush is unbelievable and it just sets you free.

6. On top of writing for a equine magazine I also hope to one day right a book, which will of course be horse related somehow.

7. I also love the look on people's faces when I am out showing, team penning, barrel racing, or anything really on my "senior horse". They see how she acts and looks and ask her age assuming it will be 12 or under and when I say 20 they are like "what?!?". Haha its great she goes out there proves that 20 can be the new 5.

8. One of my favorite places in the whole world (other then the barn) is my friend J's place in upstate NY. She has 80 acres full of horses, log buildings, woods, waterfalls and more. It is just so beautiful, secluded, and peaceful. I never thought I could live anywhere outside the city or suburbia, but I could stay there forever.

9. I am extremely active, over-active sometimes. I am a member of numerous organization, active and board member in some, show my horse, go to school, intern, work, riding other people's horses, am doing a photo session for a friend and much more. I am a doer so to speak. I jump in and get involved in everything when asked or even when not asked. I commit to a million projects at once, but I manage to do them all.

10. I am a HUGE procrastinator. I always wait to the very last minute on everything. I work well under pressure. I always get it done but I kick myself for piling it on at the last minute and like every procrastinator say I will change, but I never will. It works for me.

Okay now I am supposed to pass this on to ten blogs, but I really don't know if I read ten but hear it goes

1. Standardbred Excellence
2. Now THAT's a Trot
3. Not so Standard Standardbred
5. Fugly Horse of the Day
okay so there are supposed to be ten but I could only come up with these 5 because these are the ones I follow regularly.
Thanks stbeventer!

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