Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I know, I know, I'm a slacker

I feel like these days I am constantly apologizing for the fact that I have been such a slacker on this blog. Things are just SOOOOOOOO busy for my this year, especially this semester, with it being the end of college. I feel like I have no time for anything. There are just not enough hours in my day. So to avoid constantly apologizing I will just say now, the updates will come as often as possible which will likely be not too often, but I will try my best to post at least 2 or 3 times a month.

Anyway, so first I will give the updates everyone wants most...the Satin ones! As I mentioned last time our ring is now usable (yay!!), so we have gotten back to our regular routine. About two weeks ago we were even able to get out on a trail ride, which was awesome. Can't wait for another one! Anyway we have been continuing with our lessons as we have all winter and have actually been able to do our homework. Lately we have been working a lot on flying lead changes. Satin already knows them as a reining horse but has gotten a bit lazy with them lately so we are working on cleaning them up and making them happen when I want instead of when she wants, as well as, fixing my equitation and ques during the changes as I tend to get in her way. We actually have a lesson later today, so looking forward to that.

In other news, I have not yet gotten back on Hottie for numerous reasons, none really having to do with him though and do hope to get him back to work soon. My new project horse, Try, that I introduced last week is doing well. I have had a few lessons on him and we are devloping a friendship and getting the hang of each other. He is a sweet horse but has some sensitivities due to mistakes and issues left over from his previous trainer. Anything that reminds him of his past work leads him to basically shut down, so we are slowly startng to figure each other out and things are going well.

School is good but busy. I like my internship, though the other intern and I often find ourselves sitting in the office with nothing to do as our supervisor is always so busy. When we do have work to do though it is interesting and good experience. Freelancing is going well and I have a few articles waiting for my attention, that I plan to begin work on next week while I am on spring break. Photography has been a bit dormant. I have had print orders from previous shoots, but haven't had any requests for shoots due to the cold weather and dead everything not providing good backgrounds. I expect now as the weather starts to turn that will change as I had several people inquire about spring photoshoots last fall.

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